How to Build Your Dream Team
Aug 11, 2021
Ever wish you could clone yourself?
We often hear 'everyone has the same 24 hours in a day'... SO unhelpful when YOUR 24 hours seems to be clogged up with emptying an inbox that re-fills quicker than a sinking boat.
Plus, don't even get me started on planning content, researching content, creating content, scheduling content, posting content, liking content, commenting on content... you get the picture.
If you're serious about growing your business you WILL need help.
Amber McCue, founder of 'How to Clone Yourself' and the CEO School says 'Self-made millionaires and billionaires outsource nine out of ten times when there's someone else out there who can do it better. Other people tend to try to DIY everything - that's just not an efficient use of time'.
Time... the most precious commodity we have.
So, why do solopreneurs often resist building a team? Particularly that first hire, maybe a virtual assistant, for example.
When I was running a VA & Online Business Management agency, I noticed 3 recurring issues that appeared as barriers for many solopreneurs:
1. They don't want to manage people
But here's the thing, you DON'T need a huge team to grow. I run my business with a virtual assistant and a few contractors on my team. We follow the 'eliminate, automate, delegate' rule.
If we can eliminate tasks that are simply unnecessary, we do. We automate whatever we can via smart systems & processes. Lastly, I delegate the tasks I hate doing / struggle to do / shouldn't be doing (I love playing around designing stuff in Canva... is it the most profitable use of my time? No!)
2. They worry about the cost
Not hiring people to help you can actually cost you a fortune in the long run. Building a team makes you value your own time more and you'll find it easier to focus on income generating activity (you know, the stuff people actually PAY you for...).
Delegated tasks GET DONE. It's hard to prioritize jobs you know to be important, but really hate doing, but those jobs can be vital to maximizing your income.
Making the decision to build a team around you is a doorway to abundance.
3. They don't know what to outsource
I highly recommend you check out Chris Ducker's book, Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive and Build Your Dream Business'. Also check out his '101 tasks to outsource to a virtual assistant'.
Bringing someone else into your business world can be tough at first. You struggle to accept that anyone else will understand and be able to implement what you're trying to achieve.
My top tip, be honest and transparent about those feelings with your team and ask for their support to help you get better at delegating. My VA, Emily, still reminds me regularly to run everything through the 'eliminate, automate, delegate' filter.
Top Tips For Building YOUR Dream Team
Don't Hire People Like You.
Instead, look for people who can fill your skill gaps and counter your weaknesses.
Start small
You don't need to go all out and hire full time 'on the books' employees straight away. In fact I still don't employ anyone fulltime in my business. Just focus on finding the right contractors for the right tasks.
Progress over Perfection
You will no doubt make a few mistakes when you first start building your team. That's ok... it means you're getting clarity around your non-negotiables in terms of the skills / personality traits you're looking for.
Drop the Perfectionism
Honestly, there can also be a period of inefficiency when you first hire someone as you'll need to invest time and effort into onboarding them properly, training them, and making sure you've communicated your expectations to them clearly. Even then, it's best to start caring a bit less about perfection... no one can do things EXACTLY as you would but that's ok... often they do them better!
Suggested Listening
#029 - How to work with a VA... The Inside Track
#028 - The Joy Of Simplifying Your Business Model
#021 - It's Not Too Late... It's the BEST Time