Why You Need A High Ticket 1:1 Offer

business model Feb 08, 2021
high ticket offer gift wrapped

Most of the coaches & course creators I work with have 3 main goals:

  • To bring about positive transformation for their clients
  • To increase their revenue to give themselves and their families the life they desire
  • To spend less time behind their laptop and more time with their family & friends

If that's you then I want you to start working on your high ticket offer TODAY.

We’re often told that working 1:1 with clients simply isn’t scalable, and that’s true… to a point. It IS scalable if time with you on a 1:1 basis becomes so valuable that you can increase your price to an utterly premium level.  In my opinion, STARTING with a high ticket 1:1 offer, while feeling counter intuitive at first, actually makes your growth path ahead so much easier.  Here’s why:

  1. Increased Revenue

Your revenue can grow massively with high ticket offers (obvs!)

Charging more for your products / services brings in a cash injection to your business which you can then use to hire support: a virtual assistant; copywriter; video editor; podcast manager; social media manager; ads manager – whatever you need to help you free up YOUR time to develop your ‘next level down’ offer – maybe a group program, a mastermind, or a membership.

  1. Incredible Results

There’s no doubt about it – working 1:1 with clients brings about the BIGGEST transformations. For 2 reasons:

i) They are getting your undivided attention and a bespoke, tailored experience that is meeting their EXACT need.

ii) They've made a significant investment and are therefore going to show up with their 'A game' and DO THE WORK

These transformation results = utterly priceless case studies & testimonials for you, which, in turn, take your marketing content to the next level.

  1. Benchmark

Having a high ticket 1:1 service helps sell your lower priced offers. 

Clients who work with me know I encourage a 3-tier model with a premium 1:1 offer at the top of the pyramid.

That pricing positions the mid-tier group coaching program / signature course / mastermind / membership as reasonably priced.

This, in turn, positions your base offers, your passive income evergreen courses / digital products as ‘no-brainers’.

People like choices, but they want their options to be transparent & limited to prevent them feeling overwhelmed.

  1. Client Intel

Working with clients on a deep 1:1 basis allows you to REALLY get under the skin of their problems & pain points.  You get crystal clear on what they want (and what they NEED), the language they use and the way they feel.  All this feeds into improvements to your marketing messaging, and your product / service development as you create new offers & packages in response to what they’re telling you they need.

The ‘Yes But’s

Almost every coach or course creator I work with, when I talk to them about offering a high-ticket service, presents me with their list of ‘Yes But’s:

“Yes, but my audience will never pay that”.

“Yes, but I don’t think I’m experienced enough to sell a £2,000+ priced service”.

“Yes, but no one else in my industry is offering this”.

“Yes, but I don’t have time to waste on marketing an offer that won’t sell”.

“Yes, but we’re in a pandemic, no one is spending money”.

I could go on, but I suspect you get the point!

I want to be REALLY clear here… the client who truly needs the transformation you offer will pay to get the results. If you can deliver those results, you can charge a premium price.

How to put together your high-ticket offer

Open a google doc and outline:

  • What is the transformation for your client? Get crystal clear on the results they will see when they work with you 1:1. Paint a vivid picture of that  transformation 
  • What are the ‘nuts & bolts’ of the offer? How many calls will they get? Over what period? How long is each call? Do they get email support? WhatsApp messaging?
  • What is the price?

Offer nailed.

If you’d like to chat this through in more detail and work out whether now is the right time for you to put your high ticket offer out there (hint: it is) AND how to start finding perfect clients for that offer, then why not book a FREE STRATEGY CALL with me.

Suggested Listening

#045 - High Ticket Sales: Why We're Not In The Business Of Convincing People

#006 - 3 Mindset Traps That Make Selling Your High Ticket Offer REALLY Hard

#072 - Robust Money Mindset = Higher Ticket Clients