Are You Building A 'Lite' Version Of Your Dream Business?

Mar 18, 2022
dream business classy handbag and black coffee

In this very first episode of my brand spanking new podcast, I'm talking about why so many business owners beaver away building a 'Lite' version of their dream business and what it really takes to go 'Full Fat'...

Do you know deep down that you're still playing small in your business?

Do you dream up a wild vision of what your life and business could be, then 'dumb it down' so it feels more 'achievable', more 'realsistic'?

Yes? Then this episode is for you.

Uselful Links:

Listen to the this week's episode HERE

Apply for a free 60 minute private Breakthrough Session here:

Read this: How Do I Increase My Prices Without Losing Clients Or Feeling Guilty?


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Suggested Listening

#036 - Don't Neglect Working IN Your Business

#031 - Looking Within to Stand Out Online with Hayley Maxwell

#028 - The Joy Of Simplifying Your Business Model


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