6 Things to stop doing if you want to grow your business
Jul 28, 2021
If you're a talented coach or consultant whose bank balance doesn't reflect their worth then this dose of tough love is for you.
Maybe you've consumed so much conflicting advice from multiple marketing 'guru's that you've completely lost the plot when it comes to figuring out the right model & marketing strategies for your own business.
Maybe you're a digital course junkie with an inbox stuffed full of expired access info emails.
Perhaps you feel a rising panic when you think about how much you've already invested in your business, yet you still they don't feel like you have a clear path to profit and sustainability.
Ok... breathe...
You CAN do this, but you need to STOP doing these things:
1. Stop seeking constant external validation
This is so important. You have to start trusting yourself to make smart decisions. No one else is as invested in your success as you are. Sovereignty isn't safe, and neither are you... and that's the best news ever. Doing things YOUR way is limitless.
2. Stop waiting for a clear sign from the universe that it's your time
It's your time when YOU decide it's your time. Don't try to outsource your decision making to the universe. Take control. Trust me when I say this... YOU are the only one who can make your business a success. I see that as a HUGE plus. You are master of your own destiny, and you get to choose what that looks like.
3. Stop trying to compete with others
Collaboration is way more valuable than competition. Competition is born out of a scarcity mindset. A mindset that says there's not enough business to go round so I must fight tooth & nail with my competitors, I must lock up my clients and I must keep everything I know a secret... Reframe that mindset. Collaborate. Be generous with your knowledge. Want the BEST for your clients with no caveats.
4. Stop copying to the tinyest detail the way someone else does business
When we begin our coaching / consulting business it's tempting to get hung up on how those further along on the journey do things. But here's the thing, every single business is different. Your personality is different; your resources are different; your preferences are different; your clients are different; your team is different. What works for them won't necessarily work for you. Now, I'm not saying you need to be constantly reinventing the wheel, but get in the habit of running things through a 'does this work for ME filter'.
5. Stop worrying you're not 'expert' enough
You don't have to know all the answers. No one does. You DO, however need to be constantly 'sharpening your saw'. Entrepreneurship is a continual, self-directed journey toward being unshakably confident in how you serve others. Let a commitment to lifelong learning and thought leadership be your guide.
6. Stop waiting
Take action. Do the scary things. Make decisions. Take risks. There has never been a better time for women. If you want to grow your business, design a new reality and have the freedom to do amazing work, then PLEASE hear this: Living on your own terms is within your grasp... go get it.
If you'd like some help to build YOUR business YOUR way, click HERE to book a free strategy session.
Suggested Listening
#003 - How To Charge More Without Losing Clients Or Feeling Guilty
#024 - Is Your Impatience Sabotaging Your Progress?
#023 - 5 Things I'd Do Differently If I was Starting My Business Today