#066 - How Much Is Enough? - Why you'll never feel successful until you know the answer.

We've been taught, especially in business, that success equals growth. That bigger is better. That the sky is the limit. And while this mindset can drive innovation and progress, it can also lead to a perpetuating cycle of dissatisfaction and exhaustion. If we're always aiming for more without understanding why, we run the risk of never feeling truly successful.

Have you ever thought about your enough? What does it look like for you? What does it feel like? This is where courage steps in. It takes real bravery to look at your life, your business, your achievements, and say, "Yes, this is enough for me."

Now, some might view this as settling, but let me challenge that perspective. It's not about complacency. It's about understanding your values, your needs, and your capacity, and aligning those with your business goals. It's about balance and sustainable growth. It's being able to say, this is MY full-fat life and business.

Just because we CAN do something, doesn't mean we SHOULD. Maybe we can push for a 20% increase in revenue, but at what cost? Would it mean overworking our team or compromising our values? If so, then perhaps that isn't the type of growth we should be seeking. This is where we need to trust ourselves to make smart decisions. To do it OUR way.

As business owners and leaders, it's our responsibility to create healthy, sustainable environments where people can do their best work. It's about people, not just profit. It's about quality, not just quantity.

Here's a question for you: Are we growing for growth's sake or are we growing in a way that enhances our mission, strengthens our values, and supports our people?

I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on your 'enough'. Consider your core values, your reasons for being in business, the wellbeing of your team, and the impact you want to have in the world.

If you'd like to explore this topic with me in a complimentary Breakthrough Session, you can apply here: