#120 - The Importance of Solo Work and How It Brings You Back To What Matters

Welcome back to the Heads Together podcast, I’m thrilled to have you join me again. This past week I've been enjoying the beautiful weather and spending a lot of time outside. I found an amazing little writing spot at a bird hide on Abberton Reservoir in Essex. It's so peaceful and perfect for sparking creativity.

This week I talk about the power of solo work. Running a business as a female founder is no small feat, and it’s easy to get lost in the noise of external opinions and validation.

I also talk about how important it is to schedule solo work time by keeping certain days free from client appointments. Create a special space, like my bird hide, for uninterrupted focus. Journaling can help process thoughts and ideas. If mindfulness practices like meditation don’t work for you, simply enjoy input free time.

Consider taking a solo retreat. “Rewild Your Business" is a perfect example, offering a guided, digital retreat to help you reconnect with what matters in your business. Check out, register your interest, and I will keep you posted and let you know when you can sign up for the retreat. 

Enjoy some quiet time this week. Remember, the most important voice to listen to is your own.