Your Way AND The Highway...

ย The secrets to building a soul-satisfying business

Making Big Decisions And Tough Choices mindset

When it comes to making big decisions for your business, whether it's to start a NEW business, pivot your niche, make your first hire, or invest in your development, there's no doubt about it, making the decision to go for it or not is bloody tough.

I've realised there are 3 traps and 3...

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5 Reasons Midlife Is The BEST Time To Start An Online Business inspiration

Do you have that nagging, 'won't go away' feeling that you were meant for more? More joy in what you do each day. More impact on the world. More money in the bank?

Many of the women I talk to dream of training to be a business or life coach, or are brimming with ideas for digital courses, or...

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How To Know What To Believe & Who To Trust values

Now please believe me … I don't want to make you feel like everyone online is out to scam you!  But I know this is an issue for many of the women I talk to and work with who want to start an online business. Maybe you're looking for the right coach training program, or perhaps you...

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Networking... Love it or Hate it? marketing

A business friend shared an article on LinkedIn recently about Networking and it really took me back to the early days of my career, when networking meant being forced to get up at the crack of dawn to attend a networking breakfast once a week. I found introducing myself to people, or even worse,...

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Goal Setting - The 3 Goals You Need To Get Crystal Clear On goals

Let's deep dive into goal setting...

In business there are 3 motivators that drive every decision we make:

~ Lifestyle

~ Income

~ Reputation

Ok, ok, I hear you... 'but Gill, I'm more purpose driven. The decisions I make are often about doing the right thing...'

Here's the thing, whether in...

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In Praise of Flim-Flamming mindset

My mum called me a ‘film-flammer’.

All my life I was led to believe that my inability to focus on one thing all the way through to completion was a flaw in me.

If I announced a new project / hobby / interest /plan, everyone would raise their eyes to the ceiling - here...

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